Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lydia has decided she is going to run a 5k this summer in Beaver at the 24th of July celebration.  She worked hard doing chores to earn new running shoes and clothes.  To date, her furthest run has been 2 miles!  Way to go Lydia.  Of course, Penny, not wanting to be outdone by Lydia has to have her own running shoes, or "wunnin soos" as she calls them.  The night these pictures were taken, Lydia ran around the block 8 times at about 0.2 miles/lap.  Penny made it around the first 3 on her own little legs and then opted for the stroller to finish out the last 5 laps.  Funny thing though, on the first lap she actually ran faster than Lydia!

The day Ruby bought Lydia's new running shoes, Lydia was at school and Penny was with Ruby.  Penny threw a fit about having to go to nap when they got home from the store because she was frantic that she didn't have her own running shoes and wasn't ready to give up Lydia's.  One thing is for sure, if Lydia can do it ... so can Penny, at least that's what Penny thinks.

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Wow she runs more than I do!